that are not "drink more water" or have another damn bubblebath!

What's inside?

  • You can go section by section, dive in at random, do one a day, one a week, whatever suits your capacity. You do you, darling!

  • Some are more reflective, some are very task-oriented, some are unapologetic feel-good. Self-care is about SO much more than “drink more water” and light another flippin’ scented candle. Let me give you 101 ideas that will genuinely move the needle on how you really feel - inside, and out.  

  • Every day our capacity is different; some days it’s all we can do to get out of bed and not just hide under the duvet. I get that and there is a specific section for that too. On the days you can do more, take the inspiration and do more! When you can’t, do what you can. Every tiny step forward, every choice you make is a vote in favour of the future healthier and happier you.

  • This gorgeous (if I do say so myself!) book is available in two formats, wherever you are in the world. You can download and read straight on the screen on your tablet, or you can print it off as a high quality PDF if you prefer a printable you want to make notes on. On-screen it's "fill-in-able" so you can track your progress on your 101 actions and tick them off digitally - very motivating! 

A little bit about me

Louise Thompson

Master Coach, Wellbeing Warrior, Author

I’m Louise, the author of High Energy Happiness (Penguin Random House) Newspaper columnist (New Zealand Herald) and TV and Radio guest expert on all things wellbeing (TV One, TVNZ, RadioLive, Newstalk ZB, BBC World) and I absolutely LOVE what I do for a living today. I got here however, via a serious health crisis – which could have been totally avoided if I had paid better attention to my self-care and wellbeing!


After enjoying epic levels of success (yay!) - and equally epic levels of burnout (boo!) - in the corporate world I learned first-hand, and very much the hard way, what happens when we do not prioritise our health and wellbeing effectively. My life looked fine on the surface - but underneath - I was frazzled, anxious, and really exhausted. I mean reaaaaaaaally exhausted – in the end my health was so badly compromised I was bedridden for four months and unable to work for over a year. 

I learned that the key to health and happiness is NOT more of the tsunami of conflicting and confusing health and wellbeing tips out there in the magazines - but developing a deep understanding what makes us truly tick inside, and simple, prioritised, non-negiotiable self-care. Self-care that fits our life – no matter how busy we are!

Once we understand how to motivate ourselves with ease, not willpower, taking care of our wellbeing (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual) becomes a really easy, hassle-free, natural integration into daily life. Effortless wellbeing only takes a few minutes a day, once you know how. I am all about wellbeing that is practical, not preachy. I want you to take action on what you can. Not feel guilty about what you don’t.  These 101 self-care ideas will get you easily kickstarted on that journey. Let’s go, ladies. 

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Real self-care is an active process we need to participate in.

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